2013 Women of V-100: Miss February

2013 Women of V-100

Miss February: Brandi

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Get to know Brandi:

What’s your favorite color? Blue

What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done, and survived?
I was speeding down a gravel road that ive never been on and the road came to a T intersection and i slamed on the brakes (which didnt do anything) and went through the ditch and got stopped about 10 or a little more feet from a pond…. I about pissed my pants….

What’s your greatest asset?
I’d have to say my boobs and or personality

What’s the fattest fat person food you like?
Cake and ice cream mixed together, it looks gross but it is a-mazing 

What movie will you stop and watch on TV, regardless of what you were doing?
“Twilight” for sure

Is your mom on Facebook?
Heck yes, my mom is awesome

How many days can I go without showering before you consider me undateable?
3-4 days depending on how good you take care of yourself

How long have you been a hot girl?
Not to be conceited but, ALL MY LIFE…!

Breast implants, for or against?
Well I’m definetly not against them but if our boat was to sink in the middle of the ocean with no rescue boat, my real boobs would keep me afloat and fake boobs will sink like the Titanic, proven fact!

Do you ever just look at yourself naked in the mirror?
Of course, who doesnt?

Tell us a joke.
Your face

Have you ever made a guy cry, why?
Yes, but only because he was drunk and i broke up with him, oops!

Underwear choice:
Thongs, boyshorts, and more thongs

 What is your favorite superhero movie?
The Avengers

What is the grossest thing you ever ate?

What would be your favorite part about being a guy if you were one?
Being able to have sex with as many people as you want without being called a whore or slut…. and being able to pee anywhere standing up….

Describe your ideal Sunday morning.
Breakfast made and served to in bed.

 If any fantasy creature could be real, what would you choose?
A unicorn.

Do your boobs have names? If so what are they?
The Twins or The Ladies, short and simple.

Worst injury:
Broken leg while sledding.

When you use public restrooms do you hover over the toilet?
Yes, unless im drunk and cant hold myself up.

What’s a good hangover cure?
Beer and asprin.

Do you have any tattoos? If not, what would you get?
Yes, just one though, a fox racing tattoo on my wrist and i definetly plan on getting more.

Have you ever shot a gun?
Yes, a few different ones.

Movie everyone hates but you love:

When was the last time you spit?
This morning.

Pet peeve:
Even Numbers, tv volumes, radio volumes, number of kids, this list can go on forever….

What’s your favorite videogame?
COD black ops

What is the worst song in the world and why?
Umbrella, its annoying.

Describe one time when you barfed.
The first time i got drunk and I was supposed to be taking a shower so I started the water and didnt last long before i shot outta the shower and someone walked in on me hugging the toilet butt ass naked and puking…. 

How many piercings do you have?

Is it the size of the ship or the motion in the ocean?
Size, you can always teach motion

What’s the best dance song of all time?
“I’m Sexy and I Know It” & “Shots”

What one food would you choose to live off for the rest of your life?

What is the oldest age you can be a virgin without it being weird?

Does Nickelback rock or suck?

Are your friends mostly guys or mostly girls?

Would you rather have sex once a day for the rest of your life or once a week for the rest of your life?
Once a day for sure

Tell us about a few of your favorite things to do:
Ride quads

What movie do you quote from the most?
Bridemaids, “Catch you on the flip side mother fu*$%rs” love it!

*pictures of Brandi by Shelley Jensen
