2013 Women of V-100: Miss September

2013 Women of V-100

Miss September: Nicole

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Get to know Nicole:

Have you ever gotten arrested?
No, I have not. I thought I was going to be arrested a time or two though.

How much money is in your savings account?
What is that again?

What was the last book your read?
50 Shades of Gray

Current ring tone?

Have you ever hooked-up with more than one person in a night?
I will never tell

What’s your favorite noise? Also, try and spell it.
Vroooooom Vroooooom!! I enjoy the sound of a drag car.

Where was your first date with a boy?
It was pretty lame movie, the guy never picked another movie after that.

What’s your favorite article of clothing?
My black sweat pants. They make my “asset” look amazing.

One thing you’d change about yourself:
My boob size, but I wouldn’t change it by too much.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I like where I live right now, but there are many places that I would like to visit.

What movie will you stop and watch on TV, regardless of what you were doing?
Boondock Saints! Only the first one, I don’t really like the second one that much.

Why do girls like elliptical machines so much?
Keeps us working on our assets =)

How many days can I go without showering before you consider me undateable?
I only go about a day, and I have to be really sick, not getting out of bed to go that long without showering.

How long have you been a hot girl?
Since I was born of course!

What is your favorite online video?
Right now it’s a video where this husband decides to teach his wife a lesson when she is playing with a gun that he told her not to play with. It is awesome, and I bet she never plays with his guns ever again!

What would be your favorite part about being a guy if you were one?
It would be so much easier to pee outside, or on a gravel road…..

Describe your ideal Sunday morning.
Sleeping off a hang over.

Do your boobs have names? If so what are they?
Laylia and Rachelle… L is for the left and R is for the right.

Have you ever made out in a movie theater?
Oh yes.

When you use public restrooms do you hover over the toilet?
I carry disinfectant wipes with me and wipe off the seat

Were you ever grounded?
Haha…many times!

What’s something all your past boyfriends have had in common?
They are all jerks =)

Have you ever seen your parents naked?
No, I have not. Thank goodness!!

Do you have any tattoos? If not, what would you get?
I have four tattoos and I am getting my next one soon!

Have you ever shot a gun?
Yes I have, I have a pretty good aim!

Worst job you’ve ever had: 
Working fast food.

Pet peeve:
Picking up socks! I hate it when socks are left or thrown all over a floor.

Would you rather have sex once a day for the rest of your life or once a week for the rest of your life?
Once a Week!

Finsh this rock lyric “ I wanna ______” 
Rock and Roll All Night…and party every day!

Who is your favorite V-100 artist?
I don’t really have a favorite, but right now I am currently in love with Hinder and Halestorm

Tell us about a few of your favorite things to do.
The dishes, I really need to get a dish washer

Last concert you saw live?
Aerosmith and Cheap Trick

Ever meet anyone famous?
Courtney Force

What’s the most embarrassing song you know all the words to?
Give me a song title and I most likely know the lyrics. I did get laughed at last week for knowing all the words in “My ding-a-ling”


