2013 Women of V-100: Miss December 2013

2013 Women of V-100

Miss December: Victoria

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Get to know Victoria:

Geekiest thing about you:
I have a bug collection.

What movie do you quote from the most?
The Big Lebowski! Phone’s ringin, dude.

Breast implants, for or against?
I don’t care what other women want to do with their boobs. Whatever makes them happy!

What is the grossest thing you ever ate?
I ate an earthworm in biology class for twenty bucks.

Who was your first celebrity crush?
Bruce Willis

What is one show you wished you were really into while it was on TV? 
I have really been wanting to check out Breaking Bad. 

Do you think you could survive in the woods for a week?
For sure. I think I could pretty much live in the woods if I wanted to.

What is your favorite video game?
Any of the Grand Theft Autos.

Which celebrity do you think you look like?
I have had 4 different people tell me I look like Emily Blunt.

Do you collect anything?
I already stated that I have a bug collection, but I also have an animal skull collection started up.

Does Nickelback rock or suck?
Let’s see. If I had to choose between listening to Nickelback everyday for the rest of my life or death, I would choose death.

Dream job:
Chasing storms and tornados.

What’s your favorite song to sing in the shower?
Lately it has been Rebel Yell by Billy Idol

What would be your favorite part about being a guy if you were one?
If I felt like sticking my weiner in a pie, I totally could.

Movie everyone loves except you:
All my girlfriends are so into this Twilight crap and I cant stand it. 

Pet peeve:
When someone calls me “Vicky”

Describe one time when you barfed. 
My last birthday party. I was double fisting maragritas and beer all night along with some jagerbombs and tequila shots. When I layed down to go to sleep, I barfed spin dip all over my face.

Coffee or tea?
If it wasn’t for coffee, I probably would have killed myself a long time ago.

What’s something you do if you really like a guy? 
I act all shy and weird. Kind of like Garth from Wayne’s World.



*pictures of Vitoria by Shelley Jensen
