2013 Women of V-100: Miss October

2013 Women of V-100

Miss October: Olivia

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Get to know Oliva:

Do you have any tattoos?
Yes, I have seven. I plan to get more when I get the cash. Go big or go home!

Do you fart?
Only on weekends, holidays, and special occasions.

Geekiest thing about you:
Sometimes if I’m bored enough I will dress up my overweight cat in costumes and take pictures, it gives me a good laugh. That’s the lamest thing I do that comes to mind.

What movie do you quote from the most?
Bad Teacher with Cameron Diaz. “Will you sign my yearbook? Sure, hold my ball sack.”

Breast implants, for or against?
I find natural features more attractive, but I am not against them unless they’re hideously huge.

Favorite day of the week?
I would have to say Saturday, much like most others. Saturday is the day I usually get to see my closest friends, hang out and party.

Rollercoasters or waterslides?
I would pick Waterslides. I like to have fun and get wet at the same time! Oh, and the submerged bar is a great way to stay cool, plus drink a beer while doing so.

What’s your favorite song to sing in the shower?
I love to sing “I Get Off” by Halestorm, “Blood” by In This Moment, or any Pantera for that matter.

Underwear choice:
Lacey Thongs. Sexy, comfortable, and no panty lines!

Favorite Smell:
The smell of my Harley Leathers, or any new leathers. That smell just makes me yearn for a ride every time.

Boxers or briefs? Why?
I like boxer briefs, because they’re the sexiest. They’re tight enough to see what you’re working with, but loose enough that they’re not gay looking.

Which of your boobs do you like better?
The left, it’s bigger. 

What’s your greatest asset?
I put the “ass” asset.

Favorite look on a guy:
Any look, as long as there’s tattoos.

What’s something all your past boyfriends have had in common?
They have been tattooed, of course!

Funniest sex term:
Coitus. In fact I think it’s so funny I have my friend Curtis in my phone as “Coitus.” 

Have you ever voted for President?
No, I haven’t gotten around to voting for president, so I am embarrassed to say I can get around to voting for my favorite tattoo on “Ink Master.” I am obsessed with tattoos, as you can see.

You have to choose one state in the U.S. to get rid of, which one?

What would you say your secret talent is? Everyone has one. Just think.
I can wiggle my nose like Samantha’s character on Bewitched. Any more secret talents I cannot note, perhaps they are too sexy! 

Worst injury:
I fell 20 feet onto concrete. I had been drinking, I meant to sit on a balcony. But instead lost my balance and fell. My back was broken in two spots, and I had compressed three vertebrae’s. Later that night I was arrested in the hospital and thrown in jail for being a minor in consumption. It wasn’t the smartest thing I ever did, but I learned from it, not ashamed of it. I’m grateful to be alive. It could have been worse.

Movie everyone loves except you:
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings. Sorry guys. But boooooooooring!!

What was your first ever screenname? You don’t have to say it if you still use it.

What’s your favorite videogame?
Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, or Street Fighter. All on Super Nintendo.  (Super Mario is a given!)

Did you ever want to be a Spice Girl?
I did. It was all about Posh Spice for me. 

Be honest: do you exercise?
I have to, or I become dissatisfied with my body and it affects my attitude negatively.

Imagine we were about to get into a physical fight.   What’s your move for taking me down?
Two words: Nut shot!

What’s the least attractive piece of clothing you own?
I think almost every girl owns a pair of granny panties…for that “time” when we’re not feeling so hot. 

If you could punch one person in the face with no repercussions, who would it be and why?
Fred Phelps. Enough said. Oh yes, and Snooki. Because, well, she is Snooki.

Does Nickelback rock or suck?
I have my favorites, the older ones like “Too Bad.” Then there’s ones I totally hate. Like “Photograph” for instance.

Tell us about a few of your favorite things to do.
I love to ride on the back of a Harley, and go to rock/metal concerts. I am tenacious on pushing my way to the front of the floor. I enjoy hanging out, drinking on the weekends with my friends while we joke around. I think by now I have made it obvious tattoos are a big part of my life as well. I also love to make a home cooked meal and see close ones enjoy it.

First CD ever bought?
Nirvana Unplugged, live in New York.

Who was your first celebrity crush?
I grew up with a lot of wrestling. I would have to say Jeff Hardy.



*pictures of Olivia by Shelly Jensen



