Use the Force JJ

JJ Abrams who directed the 2009 Star Trek reboot and is also the director for Star Trek: Into the Darkness which comes out later this year has been announced as the director for the upcoming new Star Wars film from Disney. Star Wars is set to release 3 new movies that will start with Episode VII. He had been asked previously about directing the film but denied it in the past.


“As a kid I was always a fan of special effects. Watching movies I was constantly trying to figure out how they did it, whatever the effect was. Star Wars was the first movie that blew my mind in that way; it didn’t matter how they did any of it because it was all so overwhelmingly and entirely great. It was funny and romantic and scary and compelling and the visual effects just served the characters and story. It galvanized for me; not for what wasexciting about how movies were made, but rather for what movies were capable of…” – JJ Abrams


If you haven’t seen the reboot of the Star Trek series, do it. I’m really excited about this news. Abrams does great work and I think he’ll do justice to Star Wars in the same way he did justice to Star Trek. The new Star Wars movie is set to come out some time in 2015. Skeptical? Let me remind you how awesome thenew Star Trek trailer is…



