Ben Affleck? Seriously?

Why? Why Warner Brothers? Why DC? With all the talent out there you go with a guy who has already ruined one superhero? Did you forget about Daredevil? He may be an Oscar winning DIRECTOR but most of Affleck’s acting leaves me cold. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but I just don’t feel good about this choice to play Batman. Ignoring the acting skills, the guy is 6′ 4″ and he’s going to tower over Henry Cavill who plays Superman and is 6′ 1″. Batman should not be taller/bigger than Superman. That’s part of the appeal when he can out smart him. I feel like the whole movie every time I see his face I’m going to be thinking ‘oh hey, there’s Ben Affleck’ not ‘oh hey, that’s Bruce Wayne!’ or Batman. 


You know who they should have picked? Karl Urban. Watch any of the movies been in. He’s only starred in a few but he does a great job in every role and his characters are great even when the films he’s in aren’t the best. Watch DREDD and tell me he wouldn’t slip right into the Batman character perfectly.

