
For the month of November, V-100 DJ’s and other Cumulus employees gew out their mustaches for “Movember”.  Movember is a national annual movement to raise awareness of prostate cancer & also called “No Shave November”.  

Prostate Cancer tends to develop in men over the age of 50 and globally it is the 6th leading cause of cancer-related death in men (2nd in the US).  Prostrate cancer can be caused by family history and poor diet but this can be treated with early detection.  Yearly exams are highly recommended for men over the age of 40.

Trans fats, saturated fats, and carbohydrates may be associated with an increased risk.  Adding more fish, fruits, soy, beans, and vegtables to your diet may help lower the risk of prostate cancer. Men who get regular exercise may have a slightly lower risk.  The 12 oz curl does not constitute “regular exercise”.

Get more infomation on the national “Movember” movement by clicking here.

Every week V-100 will post updated pictures of their mustaches and take votes to see who has the best ‘stash.  Check out this week’s pictures here.

Now we would like to honor some of the greatest mustaches in history.

Albert Einstein

Alex Trebek

Breaking Bad

Brian Wilson

Burt Reynolds

Charles Bronson

Cheech & Chong

Chuck Norris

Dan Quisenberry

Duane Allman

Frank Zappa

Freddie Mercury

Genghis Khan

Hulk Hogan


Jimi Hendrix

John Bonham

Lando Calrissian

Lt. Dangle

Mahatma Gandi

Ned Flanders

Pancho Villa

Ron Burgandy

Ron Swanson

Sam Elliot

Sons of Anarchy

“Teddy” Roosevelt

The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

Tom Selleck


Wyatt Earp

Yosemite Sam

ZZ Top




