2014 Women of V-100: Cover Model & Miss March

2014 Women of V-100

Cover Model & Miss March: Jessica

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Get to know Jessica:

Favorite Smell:  Coffee or fresh baked cookies out of the oven.  Yum!

Have you ever gotten arrested? No.  Never a good idea if your dad is a cop.

Shower or bath?  For efficiency a shower, but for relaxation a bath.

Best rock concert?  Bush, The Wallflowers and No Doubt

First CD you ever bought?  “Sixteen Stone” – Bush

Have a friend answer this question for you, What’s your greatest asset?  My adorable personality

Why are women obsessed with cats?  I bet there are some guys obsessed with cats too, but seriously, how could you not love their cute cat faces?

Will Wes Scantlin from Puddle of Mudd ever get sober?  Unlikely

Name 1 band member in Top Petty & The Heartbreaks:  Tom Petty

What’s your porn star name? (Middle name & street you grew up on)  Lynn BrickyardTattoos:  I have zero tattoos.  

How many piercings do you have?  Both of my ears are pierced, but that is it.

Have you ever used the term “Cray cray”?  Not proud of it, but yes.

Best Nintendo game?  I was a Sega girl, loved Sonic the Hedgehog

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Do I have to grow up?

Did you go to college?  Yes.  Currently studying how to take over the world.

Finish this rock lyric; “ I wanna _____” rock and roll all night, and party every day.

Have you ever made a guy cry?  Yes, and they deserved it.

One thing you’d change about yourself:  I would be taller.  I always wanted to be 5’9”.

Favorite emoticon? 😉

Do you text “ok” or “k”?  Both, but I also text okay, and kk.

Current ring tones?  iPhone Defaults, I know boring.

What’s your favorite article of clothing?  Boots and Skinny Jeans

What movie do you quote from the most?  Pitch Perfect.  “You girls are awesome-ly horrible. ”

Have you ever hooked up with someone directly because of Facebook?  No, so don’t try.

Describe your worst date.  It was awkward the whole evening and ended with a bad attempt at a kiss.

How many pushups can you do – real ones, not those fake “I’m a girl so I can do them on my knees” pushups? 25

If you were to dance, would you do it like no one was watching?  Yes, always do.  Leave it on the dance floor.

Underwear choice:  Wouldn’t you like to know?

Are you impressed by my schmedium Affliction t-shirt?  Sorry no, not impressed

Have you ever voted for President or American Idol?  Yes, to both.  Don’t normally watch American Idol, but my momma really wanted her favorite to win and I had to help her out.

Have you ever hooked up with someone way less attractive than you?  No

When is the last time you got hit on?  Today

What are you wearing right now?  T-shirt, and sweats.  

From where you are, how do you get to the highway?  Go left, then straight, then left again, then right, then straight again for awhile, then left and merge.  

Would you ever ask a guy out?  Yes

Most embarrassing moment:  I’m kind of clumsy so there are a few tripping incidents.  Let’s just leave it at that.

Who is the hottest female Disney character? Jasmine, plus she has a tiger!

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Superman?  Superman

Is your Mom on Facebook?  Yes.  Love you momma!

Would you gain 25 pounds for $2500?  No.  The money would be nice, but losing weight is hard work, especially for women.

Hidden talent:  I can do fish face does that count?

Favorite look on a guy:  Jeans and a nice button up shirt

What is your favorite 80’s song?  Girls Just Want to Have Fun

What’s something you do if you really like a guy?  Cook for them, buy them a random gift to let them know I was thinking about them.  

Geekiest thing about you:  I snort when I laugh sometimes.

What was the last thing you texted?  Superstar!

Name a movie everyone hates but you love:  Clueless

How long do you think you could survive in the woods? I would probably do okay until I got hungry.  I don’t think I could kill anything, or figure out which berries wouldn’t kill me. Can I phone a friend or use a lifeline?  

What was your first ever screenname? Novarista

Use the different forms of to, two and too all in the same sentence:  The two of us should go to Dairy Queen and invite all of the V100 staff too.

Girl’s worst fear:  Someone breaking into my house.

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?  My Little Pony

Jedi or Dark Side?  Jedi.  May the force be with you.

Who was your first celebrity crush?  Joey McIntyre

