2014 Women of V-100: Miss July

2014 Women of V-100

Miss July: Mel

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Get to know Mel:

Where was your first date with a boy?  Movie Theater

Favorite Smell:  Popcorn

What is your dumper/dumpee ratio?  Too much toilet talk doing on here.

Have you ever gotten arrested? Never

Which of your boobs do you like better?  Right now, left later

What’s the TV show you’re most embarrassed to admit you love?  The Big Bang Theory 

Shower or bath?  Shower, who wants to sit in their own filth.

What comes first, hoes or bros? Ho Ho Ho

Best rock concert? Slipknot

First CD you ever bought? Linkin Park

Have a friend answer this question for you, What’s your greatest asset? “My baby blues”

Why are women obsessed with cats? Cuz they want to be puuurrfect

Name 1 band member in Top Petty & The Heartbreaks: Tom Petty?

What’s your porn star name? (Middle name & street you grew up on) Lee Elizabeth Michigan 

Tattoos: No

How many piercings do you have? 5

Best Nintendo game? Super Mario Bros.– old school

What do you want to be when you grow up? Growing up is optional.

Does Nickelback rock or suck? Suck

Finish this rock lyric; “ I wanna _____” Rock n Roll all night long!

Define all the bases. First base is infield Second base is halfway home. Third home stretch Fourth It’s a home run.

Have you ever made a guy cry? All the time—heart breaker 😉

One thing you’d change about yourself: Get a boob job.

Dream job:  Cirque du Soleil

Do you text “ok” or “k”? I have to be different, kk?

Best excuse to decline a date? I have to wash my hair. 

Who was your first celebrity crush? Jason Statham

Describe the first time you ever made out with someone. Slobbery goodness.

Is there an age you don’t want to reach? How old is too old? Age is strictly a case of mind over matter if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. 

How many pushups can you do – real ones, not those fake “I’m a girl so I can do them on my knees” pushups? 35 full ones.

Underwear choice:  Lace thong

What’s your REAL hair color? Brunette.

If you could live anywhere, where wouldn’t it be? Antarctica 

Where is the Mason Dixon line? It divided the British colonies amongst the legality of slavery

What’s the most embarrassing song you know all the words to? Cruise by Florida Georgia Line

What is the closest you’ve ever been to death? Drove into an oncoming blizzard and got stuck in a ditch for 8 hours with the gas light on E!

Have you ever hooked up with someone way less attractive than you? No.

What’s the most uncomfortable move a guy has ever made on you? Grabbed my butt.

What are you wearing right now? Uggs, leggings and sweat shirt

Would you ever ask a guy out?  Yes.

Most embarrassing moment: Got caught skinny dipping in a lake

Who is the hottest female Disney character? Cinderella!

What do you think about Ben Affleck being the next Batman? No thank you. 

Favorite actor that played Batman? Christian Bale

Favorite look on a guy: Huge biceps—meat heads please

What is your favorite kind of gum and why do all girls fall for a-holes? Orbit—clean feeling and A$$HOLES are the “nice guys”

What is the earliest time of day you’re ever started drinking and why? St. Pattys day, favorite holiday. Started at 6am and went til 2am.

What’s something you do if you really like a guy?  Give him all my attention

Geekiest thing about you: I play video games

What was the last thing you texted? Ready!

Use the different forms of to, two and too all in the same sentence: Their two, they’re to there too.

Girl’s worst fear:  Being detached from her smart phone! 

Favorite movie trilogy? Batman trilogies

Jedi or dark side? Dark side please!

What is your favorite 80’s song? Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson

What movie do you quote from the most?  Pulp Fiction
