2014 Women of V-100: Miss June

2014 Women of V-100

Miss June: LeiLoni

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Get to know LeiLoni:

Ideal drunk food:dont really drink but candy is my all time guilty food.

Favorite Smell:chloroform… lol just kidding gingerbread would probably win.

Which of your boobs do you like better? Neither their both small haha

What comes first, hoes or bros? neither my family comes first!

First CD you ever bought? Flyleaf

Have a friend answer this question for you, What’s your greatest asset? My smile

Why are women obsessed with cats? no idea im not a cat person 

Name 1 band member in Top Petty & The Heartbreaks: Tom Pettty

What’s your porn star name? (Middle name & street you grew up on) Marie Second

Tattoos: 4, three on my back, one on my side

How many piercings do you have? none 

What do you want to be when you grow up? happy

Did you go to college? yes 

Does Nickelback rock or suck? rock

Finish this rock lyric; “ I wanna _____” ROCK!

Have you ever made a guy cry? sad to say but yes 

Bars or clubs? clubs so i can dance 

One thing you’d change about yourself: have more muscle 

Dream job: a job like ellen or oprah 

Favorite emoticon? 🙂

Current ring tones? skrillex five finger death punch

Best excuse to decline a date? i cant give you that information or id have to kill you (jk)

What’s your favorite article of clothing? none clothes suck

Is there an age you don’t want to reach? How old is too old?90

What’s your REAL hair color? brunette

If you could go on 1 talk show, which one would it be? Ellen

Have you ever voted for President or American Idol? yes and yes

Breast implants, for or against? For

What is the closest you’ve ever been to death? When i had blood poisioning as a kid

Have you ever hooked up with someone way less attractive than you? yes

What are you wearing right now? jeans and longsleeve shirt 

Would you ever ask a guy out? Of course 

Who is the hottest female Disney character? belle from beauty and the beast

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid? courage the cowardly dog

Jedi or Dark Side? always the dark side 

If you HAD to get a tattoo on your face, what would it be of? One of those fake moles so no one knew i had a stupid face tattoo 
