2014 Women of V-100: Miss May

2014 Women of V-100

Miss May: Krizia

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Get to know Krizia:

Ideal drunk food: Breakfast food—pancakes and maple syrup, caramel latte, biscuits and gravy, bacon, hash browns, the works.  What else are 24-hour diners for? 

Favorite Smell:  Pages of an old book.  Whenever I go to a used bookstore, I love cracking open the oldest book I can find (bonus points if it pre-dates 1900) and burying my nose into the discolored pages.    

What is your dumper/dumpee ratio? 2:0

Have you ever gotten arrested? Nope, clean record right here!

What’s the TV show you’re most embarrassed to admit you love? The Vampire Diaries.  Action, adventure, romance, major eye-candy, and blood-lusting teenage vampires?  What’s not to love? 

What’s your favorite noise? Also, try and spell it.  I love the sound of rain in the summer.  Makes me want to run around outside and sing at the top of my lungs.  I’m pretty sure it’s spelled something like, “pitt patt pitt patt pitt patt”

Best rock concert? I was fortunate enough to be front row at a sold out Green Day concert in Giants Stadium a few years ago.

First CD you ever bought? Spice by the Spice Girls.  And yes, I still know all the lyrics in case you were wondering.

Why are women obsessed with cats? Who knows, I’m a dog person all the way.  Cats don’t go crazy with excitement whenever you get home, cat’s don’t cuddle as well as my fluffy goldendoole, and cats don’t make good jogging partners.

Name 1 band member in Top Petty & The Heartbreaks: Mike Campbell

How many piercings do you have? 8

Best Nintendo game? Super Smash Brothers Melee.  I always chose Kirby because I loved how he could semi-fly and gobble others characters up.

What do you want to be when you grow up?  You mean I’m still not a grown up?!

Finish this rock lyric; “ I wanna _____” rock and roll all niiiiight and party every day!
Bars or clubs? Clubs—I absolutely love to dance.  What’s the point in going to a loud bar if you can’t hear the person you’re talking to?

One thing you’d change about yourself:  I wish I had longer hair but hey, that comes with time and patience.

Dream job:  I would love to own a pet-friendly bakery someday.  There would be treats for pets as well as humans, plenty of books on the shelves and live music on Thursday nights.  

Favorite emoticon? <3 because you can never have too much love in this world!

Do you text “ok” or “k”? Okay. It takes 0.002 seconds longer to write out “okay.”  I get annoyed whenever someone texts me “k” because it makes them seem lazy and too important to care.

Current ring tones?  I have that old school telephone as my ring tone because it’s classic, timeless, and never goes out of style.  Some say I’m an old soul at heart.

What’s your favorite article of clothing? If I could get away with it, I would wear yoga pants every day. 

What movie do you quote from the most? Mean Girls.  “Nice wig Janice, what’s it made of? YOUR MOM’S CHEST HAIR!” 

Is there an age you don’t want to reach? How old is too old?  To me there’s no such thing as too old.  As we age, we gain wisdom, learn from our mistakes, and conquer our fears.  As the great Carlos Santana once said, “Your wrinkles either show that you’re nasty, cranky, and senile, or that you’re always smiling.”

How many pushups can you do – real ones, not those fake “I’m a girl so I can do them on my knees” pushups?  On a good day—5.  Even though I grew up playing tennis, I’ve never had great upper body strength.  Don’t let that fool you though…I can throw a mean punch!

Where is the Mason Dixon line?  Doesn’t it run through the Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia border?  Don’t ask me how I know that.

What game show do you think you would do the best on and why?  The Price is Right.  I do a fair amount of online shopping and couponing so I’m pretty good at guessing prices.

Have you ever voted for President or American Idol? I voted for President in 2008 and 2012.

What are you wearing right now?  Since its about 20 degrees outside right now, I’m layered up from head to toe.  Jeans on top of tights, two pairs of socks, boots, camisole, long sleeve and a cowl neck sweater.

From where you are, how do you get to the highway?  Take a left on 29th street then another left past the Sonic to go south on Gage.  After a few blocks, right after you pass a BP gas station on your left, take the ramp on the right to get onto 470.

I have a theory that girls can’t whistle, can you?  Yes but it takes me awhile to get warmed up and it’s never loud enough for anyone to hear.   (Editors Note – that’s not a whistle.  I’m still right)

Would you ever ask a guy out?  No because I’m traditional like that.

Most embarrassing moment:  When my family and I moved to a new city, I decided to wear platform flips flops on the first day of high school.  Since it had rained all morning, the floors were pretty slippery.  When I walked through the front doors I slipped and fell straight on my butt in front of what seemed like hundreds of teenagers.  Needless to say, I was mortified.

Who is the hottest female Disney character? Jasmine.  She even has a pet tiger named Raja.

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Superman?  That’s an easy one—Superman.  Not only does he have kryptonite powers but he could always fly up in the air to catch his breath.

Is your mom on Facebook?  Yes, I introduced her to it. 

Would you gain 25 pounds for $2500? Heck yeah!  I’m a foodie so I would try a bunch of recipes and eat my heart out.  Then I would lose the weight back and use the money to go on vacation!

If I try yoga, do you think I would fart?  Probably.  Everyone does…only the brave ones admit it.  

Favorite look on a guy: that look when they realize their fly is down. 

What is your favorite 80’s song?  Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds.  It reminds me of “The Breakfast Club” which also happens to be my favorite 80s movie.  If you haven’t seen it, shame on you.

What is your favorite kind of gum and why do all girls fall for a-holes?  I don’t chew game except when I fly because it relaxes me and relieves the air pressure in my ears.  As for why all girls fall for a-holes, only some do which I try to stay away from since they usually love drama.

Geekiest thing about you:  Not sure if this is geeky or not but I love to knit.  Mittens, scarves, sweaters (dog sweaters included), you name it!

What was the last thing you texted?  I’m hungry, wanna go get food?

How long do you think you could survive in the woods? 2 days tops.  I’ve never pitched a tent, don’t know how to start a fire, and certainly have no idea how to “forage” for food.

Use the different forms of to, two and too all in the same sentence:  Two friends packed too many shoes in their suitcases so they had to leave a few pairs at home.

Girl’s worst fear:  Turning into their mother when they grow up.  Sorry ladies, it’s inevitable.  

People who say “Reesies Piecies” instead of Reese’s Pieces: What’s up with that?  I’m one of those people who say “Reesies Pieces.”  Maybe it’s because I grew up speaking Spanish.

If you HAD to get a tattoo on your face, what would it be of? A tiny peace sign on my left temple.

What’s the least attractive piece of clothing you own? Sweatpants from the me’s department that are 4 size too big but are oh so comfy!

What’s with dudes wearing capris?  I believe the term for this is “manpris.”  I’ve only seen this on European men.  It’s like the male version of the capri.

Favorite movie trilogy?  Toy Story. 

Who was your first celebrity crush? John Mayer.  I had posters all over my binders and knew all the words to his songs.
