2016 V100 Rock Girls


Rock with us and keep an eye out for upcoming local V100 events for your chance to hang out with our Rock Girl crew and get the brand new calendar photographed by 83photography. Check out the full photo album from our 2016 Kansas Powertrain V100 Rock Girls calendar launch party at Lewis Toyota HERE!

Rock Girls Website Tease

Want to be on our Rock Girl Promotions team & have a chance to be on the 2017 Calendar?
Apply online now by emailing a recent headshot photo of yourself, small bio, why you want to be a Rock Girl, and contact information to [email protected]
We now recruit year round for our Rock Girl Promotions team. We may not respond immediately and there is no guarantee you will be chosen. Rock Girls must be outgoing, social, friendly, able to attend events regularly, responsible, and a positive team member! If chosen girls will be contacted by a station representative.

Special thanks to our sponsors:

Kansas Power Train Logo

