Remember When Guns N’ Roses Went Off Half-Cocked In St. Louis and A Riot Ensued?

YouTube screen cap
YouTube screen cap

Guns N’ Roses have been on their ‘Not In This Lifetime Tour’ since June and most of the fans have given the shows rave reviews. When the tour was announced, I was a bit skeptical on how it would all work out, considering Axl’s history with Slash. Surprisingly, there have been no incidents between band members or even between Axl and the crowd.
This is especially shocking considering that we live in the smartphone age, and we’re shooting video everywhere we go. For some major artists the instant video has been a bane, but not Axl and the gang. For some odd reason this hasn’t bugged Guns N’ Roses at all. At least, not in this century.

However, back in 1991, Axl wasn’t too big on the crowd recording the band while performing. Just in case you weren’t alive, or, if you just don’t remember, here’s a video of what happened in St. Louis on August 7th, 1991.

Axl was obviously not very happy about that fan recording him. But what’s he like now? As calm as he could be. Apparently now if you’re at a show you won’t be attacked when you pull your phone out, shoot video, and share it out. Now, just because he hasn’t complained about it thus far, doesn’t mean he won’t in the future. It also doesn’t mean that he won’t try to stop you. Apple has recently patented a technology that can be used by artists to block cell phones from being able to use the camera function.

Maybe the reason Axl hasn’t said anything is because of this new technology, or maybe he decided to grow up. Either way, Axl has taken a turn for the better in recent years and on this tour.
