Be A 2017 V100 Rock Girl

rock girl graphic Mandy close up

You Could Be The Next V100 Rock Girl!

As a V100 Rock Girl you represent the station at all our events and concerts in 2017. Aspiring models, rock fans, or just girls who like to have fun are encouraged to apply!

V100 Rock Girls get exclusive access to events and professional modeling photos featured on our 2017 Calendar and special V100 Rock Girls poster. We aren’t looking for just your cookie-cutter beauty, we want to see women of all ages, shapes, sizes, styles, and cultures! This year’s calendar will show classy, empowered women showing their personal style at locations across Topeka.

To enter, submit two photos of yourself (a close up, and a full body photo), a resume, and tell us why you want to be a V100 Rock Girl. V100 Rock Girls must be 18 years of age or older and be available to participate in multiple station events throughout 2017.

apply button
