Daylight SAVING Time begins Sunday at 2am, so make sure you “Spring Forward’ one hour before then. And YES, It’s written correctly… Daylight Saving Time… NOT SAVINGS! There is no “S”.
We do it twice a year. Fiddle with our clocks. It’s an antiquated concept that is supposed to give us more daylight in the summer months and decrease the energy we use at the same time. Daylight Saving Time, implemented in 1918, had remained unchanged for nearly ninety years, until 2007 when a small group of idiots convinced a bigger bunch of idiots (Congress) to actually EXTEND IT!
For the most part, you can blame HALLOWEEN for the change. The best conspiracy theory asserts the all-powerful candy lobby got this attached to the Energy Policy Act in 2005, because they believed it would spur more candy sales (what?). But The Fed spokesfolks claim it had everything to do with extending the daylight on Halloween so fewer kids would be hurt and killed.
But as you’ll understand after watching the video below, it doesn’t make much sense. As we all know, we can’t change the ‘amount’ of daylight, because interstellar physics can’t be altered by mere humans manipulating a mechanical device, no matter how intricate it is. According to some studies, the amount of energy saved works out to be around 4 bucks a year, per household. In fact, according the video, it’s probably doing more harm than good.
At any rate, Daylight Saving Time is in effect at 2am this Sunday , so don’t forget to move your clock forward one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.