Starset Rocked #LFK

Photo by Ethan Jackson

The Starset demonstration in Lawrence, KS has concluded.

I was a first time attendee at their demonstration Friday night in Lawrence and I thought I knew what to expect based off of YouTube clips and word of mouth, but in all honesty I had no idea and I’m glad I didn’t. Starset put on a show that easily makes its way into my top ten concerts of all time. The production value is crazy. They’ve got LED screens, futuristic space suits with masks that light up, a giant see through computer to control everything and even that glass that you can fog up with the push of a button. I was extremely impressed by everything they have going on.

Photo by Ethan Jackson

The band performed a fourteen song that included tunes like “Monster,” “My Demons,” “Halo” and so many more. The crowd was so into all of these tunes. They’d sing a long and throw their horns up to the sky, but what really got me was how the crowd acted after the band exited the stage. They yelled “One more song!” I wasn’t the only one who noticed how special this particular crowd was. Dustin, the lead singer of the band, came back on stage and told everyone that they normally don’t do encores, but they were willing to do so then. The rest of the band came out and they played not one, but four more songs and the crowd loved it. So did I.

Photo by Ethan Jackson

The demonstration left me wanting more. Not just more music, but I wanted to know more about Starset and the message that they are trying to send to the world. I wanted to know more about their background and about the Starset Society. Overall, I just wanted more. That is something that I’ve never really felt after a show before and it won’t go away. I look forward to future transmissions from Starset and the Starset Society. You should too.

You can purchase the band’s music as well as The PROX Transmissions book HERE.

Tune into V100’s VORTX Sunday nights from 9-12 for the latest news from Starset. Don’t forget to keep up with us via Facebook and Twitter for all of the updates from inside the VORTX.
