Woman of the Month

Miss November: Heather

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Get to know Heather:

What's the worst movie you ever paid to see in theaters?
The Blair Witch Project

Is it ever okay for the girl to be the big spoon?

What's a good hangover cure?
Ibuprofen and greasy food.

Shower or bath?

Would you ever ask a guy out?
Sure why not?

How much money is in your Savings account?
What is a savings account!?

What's your beauty secret?
Waking up early enough.

Do you fart?
Girls do that??

What is your favorite online video?
Lizard acid trip

What would be your favorite part about being a guy if you were one?
Being able to pee standing up.

Ideal drunk food:
Panchos or IHop

Girl's worst fear:
Depends on who you ask, but mine is probably spiders

Tell us a joke.
What did the horse say when he fell?..help! I’ve fallen and can't giddy up!!

What's brown and sticky?
A tootsie roll

Pet peeve:
People who smack their lips

How many Twinkies could you eat?
Its a struggle to eat just one.

Have you ever been straight up rejected when you went in to kiss someone?
Haha yes

What famous person do you hear yourself compared to most?
Never really have

What band are you most ashamed of liking?

How many pushups can you do – real ones, not those fake "I'm a girl so I can do them on my knees"
Pushups? Maaaaybe 5 lol.

Current ringtone:
What makes you beautiful.

How many 5-year-olds could you beat in a fight?
AT ONCE?? I can barely defend myself against my 5 yr old!!

If no one would ever find out, who is someone embarrassing you would like to make out with?
If I told ya…EVERYBODY would know!!

What are you wearing right now?
Pink ladies costume

From where you are now, how do you get to the highway?
Take a left then a right.

Finish this rock lyric "I wanna ­­­____"
rock and roll all night and party every day!
