Woman of the Month

Miss December: Nicole

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Get to know Nicole:

Do you fart?
Of course I do, doesn’t everyone?

What's the fattest fat person food you like?
Chocolate cake with milk chocolate frosting. Some times to make it a little healthier, I will top it with strawberries.

Geekiest thing about you:
I know a lot of music from really old stuff from like the 50’s to songs that are out now, all different genres. It’s ridiculous that I can know so much music but I suck at studying for a test. I can also fix any computer this includes installing stuff, taking one apart to fix a hard drive or any other piece that may be broken, and I have never went to school to know how to do all of the stuff that I can do.

When a guy cries do you think he's weak?
No, I just think that he is super sensitive and I better try to watch what I say to him.

What movie do you quote from the most?
Boondock Saints! I love this movie and I laugh so much every time I watch it

Breast implants, for or against?
I’m for breast implants as long as the implants are not ridiculously huge. What is the point of a FFF implant on a 100 pound girl? I will never understand how someone can even tie their shoes with boobs that huge.

Do you ever just look at yourself naked in the mirror?
I have just looked at myself naked in the mirror, but I am never standing still. Most of the time when I am naked in front of the mirror, I am dancing until my body dries off from taking a shower.

Favorite day of the week?
My favorite day of the week is Saturday. Saturday is the day that I can relax, chill, and drink all day if I choose to with nothing to do on Sunday besides watch football.

Rollercoasters or waterslides?
I would choose a Rollercoaster if it’s a fun rollercoaster, not one of the lame, no drop rollercoasters. I enjoy the adrenalin rush and all the throws and what not from a rollercoaster. If the rollercoaster isn’t a good one, then I would choose a waterside. There is nothing wrong with getting wet and having fun.

What's your favorite song to sing in the shower?
Living on a prayer by Bon Jovi

Underwear choice:
I am in love with low-rise boy shorts. They are cute and sexy all in one.

Favorite Smell:
The smell of BBQ cooking. I love steak and potatoes. Just the smell of a steak cooking alone puts a smile on my face and makes me instantly hungry.

What's your beauty secret?
Showering Daily, brushing my teeth twice a day, and cleaning my face every night with some kind of face cleanser.

Snuggling, spooning or butterfly kisses?
Snuggling for sure.

What is the grossest thing you ever ate?
Sushi or fish. It’s a tie between the two.

What's something you do if you really like a guy?
I feel out his personality. I will be a little mean but not in a “bitch” manor, joke around, give him a hard time, see if he can handle it and dish it back. I won’t hang out with the guy one on one, for about a week or so. This is my way of seeing how persistent he is and if he just gives up or not. I like the ones that don’t give up. There are a few other things that I do as well, but I can’t give away all of my secrets.

What's a good hangover cure?
Drink a beer. It works for me all the time!

I have a theory that girls can't whistle, can you?
Yes I can, but I know some men that can’t.

Who was your first celebrity crush?
Jonathon Taylor Thomas

First CD ever bought?

What is the oldest age you can be a virgin without it being weird?
I would say 26

