2013 Women of V-100: Miss January

2013 Women of V-100

Miss January: Brandi

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Get to know Brandi:

Have you ever gotten arrested?
No way!  I might look a little wild sometimes but I stay on the good side of the law.

What’s your favorite color?
Teal, love, love, love it!

What would you do with 10,000 dollars?
Pay off my student loans

One thing you’d change about yourself: 
I would be about seven inches taller with the hopes of being a VS angel…maybe in my next life!

Do you think you could survive in the woods for a week? 
No chance in hades

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Underwater, possibly in Belize…

What movie will you stop and watch on TV, regardless of what you were doing?
It’s is embarrassing – Clueless, will love that movie until I’m 90.  Hope my best friend doesn’t see this, she might disown me!

Weirdest dream:
oh goodness, not a good question.  I have some pretty wild dreams.  The first that comes to mind….I woke up in my dream with a baby eating spaghetti on my white sheets, then magically appeared in a baby bouncy thing and about bounced itself down the stairs, then my dream switched to my high school math teacher drowning kittens in a saucer of milk.  Awful! I have no idea where my brain gets this madness.

What is your favorite superhero movie?
Thor, Thor, Thor.  I love Thor.

If you had to eliminate one food group, you could never eat it again, which one would you choose?  Grains…already allergic to them so that makes it easy.

What is the earliest time of day you’re ever started drinking and why?
10:00 am, tailgating in college! Go Emporia Wasps!  Or whatever they were, can’t even remember now.  Possibly drank a little too much back then

Describe your ideal Sunday morning.
Sleeping in, cuddling with my puppies, turning on some tunes and cleaning mi casa….in that order.

You have to pitch a completely original show to a huge network. Go.
Strippers, smurfs and park rangers sent to Jupiter to battle the aliens of the solar system….with no astronaut food, so they have to hunt too!

What was your senior quote?
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.  Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success achieved.” Helen Keller

Were you ever grounded?
Ummmm, yes.  All.of.the.time.  I wasn’t very good at learning from my mistakes in high school.

Have you ever been fired from a job?
That totally just happened…first time ever!  Going to use this question as shameless marketing of myself….I’m available – intelligent, outgoing, team player, 3.8 major GPA!

Explain the different forms of to, two and too all in the same sentence: 
I am too busy with other questions to write you a homonym example. 

What’s the most uncomfortable move a guy has ever made on you?
Asked me out over a calculator….how do you respond to that?

Who is, in your opinion, the sexiest woman alive?
Adriana Lima, drop dead gorgeous and my ab inspiration.

What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Superman? 
Batman, of course.

What’s more important to you, your brains or your looks?
I should say brains but studies have shown looks can get one pretty far too.

Did you ever want to be a Spice Girl, and, if so, which one?
Yes! Baby Spice!

How many piercings do you have?
7 and counting

If you HAD to get a tattoo on your face, what would it be of?
I’d get a tattoo of a freckle, does that count?

What’s the last lie you were caught in? 
I don’t lie…actually I can’t lie, it is physically impossible, if I try it is written all over my face, either that I start cracking up.

Last concert you saw live? 
The Wallflowers, pretty awesome.

What Disney character would you be and why?
Once they come out with a sweet looking tattooed chick I’d be her, but until then…Pocahontas b/c I’m also part Native American and because she is strong, beautiful and stands up for what she believes in.
