2013 Women of V-100: Miss November

2013 Women of V-100

Miss November: Rachel

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Get to know Rachel:

Do you fart?
Does a bear crap in the woods??

Favorite Smell:
Yummy boys, the rain, my moms cooking

What’s your favorite color?

Which of your boobs do you like better?
I think they are both fantastic.

What’s the TV show you’re most embarrassed to admit you love?
Umm super nanny or two and a half men 🙂

Is your mom on Facebook?
Yes and sometimes I forget that when I post things….

Do you ever just look at yourself naked in the mirror?
Refer to answer to question 1

Favorite day of the week?
Saturdays during college football season

Least favorite band:

Why do all girls fall for jerks?
Because real men don’t exist

If you had to eliminate one food group, you could never eat it again, which one would you choose? Vegetables for sure

What is the closest you have ever been to death?
Almost drown in the lake last summer 🙁 it was scary!

What is the earliest time of day you’re ever started drinking and why?
Oh 8 am- tailgating- go big or go home

How many piercings do you have?

What’s something you do if you like a guy?
Ignore them, lol, stupid I know.

Who is, in your opinion, the sexiest woman alive?
Kelly Monaco

Would you make out with her?
You bet your butt I would!


 *pictures of Rachel by Shelley Jensen  
