2014 Women of V-100: Miss February

2014 Women of V-100

Miss February: Kathleen

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Get to know Kathleen:

Favorite Smell:  Gas

What is your dumper/dumpee ratio?  2-1

Which of your boobs do you like better?  Left

TV show you’re most embarrassed to admit you love?  Sponge Bob  

What’s your favorite noise? Also, try and spell it.  Rain.. drip drip drip drip

What comes first, hoes or bros?  Uh… neither.  Me, Myself and I.

First CD you ever bought?  Aaron Carter  

Have a friend answer this question for you, What’s your greatest asset?  Smile

Will Wes Scantlin from Puddle of Mudd ever get sober?   Probably not

What’s your porn star name? (Middle name & street you grew up on)  Elizabeth Sherman

Tattoos:  3… butterfly, japanese symbol and Breast Cancer ribbon for my mom.

How many piercings do you have?  Four..

Best Nintendo game?  Mario!!!

Does Nickelback rock or suck?  rock

Finish this rock lyric; “ I wanna  _____” – rock you.

Define all the bases:  First base, hugging.. 2nd base, kissing, 3rd base, feeling up, home base, YOURE THERE!!

One thing you’d change about yourself:  That I could have more patience.

Favorite emoticon?  The Angel

Current ring tones?    Loud Ringing Bells

Best excuse to decline a date?  Have to help my mom clean her house.

What movie do you quote from the most?  Forrest Gump

Who was your first celebrity crush?  Omarion

Have you ever hooked up with someone directly because of Facebook?    yep

Is there an age you don’t want to reach? How old is too old?  40.  40.   lol

If you were to dance, would you do it like no one was watching?  Yep… if I’m drunk..

Underwear choice:   Boy shorts

If you could live anywhere, where wouldn’t it be?   Russia.  Anywhere where it is cold

If you could go on 1 talk show, which one would it be?  Wendy Williams

Where is the Mason Dixon line?  Georgia

What game show do you think you would do the best on and why?  Family Feud.  ‘Cause I’m smarter than those people that they choose to have on that show.

What’s the most embarrassing song you know all the words to?  Barnie’s  I love you… You love me… 

Breast implants, for or against?  For them, for cancer patients only.  Not just to have bigger boobies.

What is the closest you’ve ever been to death?  When I ran through a glass door and slit my wrist.

Have you ever hooked up with someone way less attractive than you?  Yes.

What’s the most uncomfortable move a guy has ever made on you?  A guy tried hitting on me when I explained that I was already taken.  Very uncomfortable situation for me.

What are you wearing right now?  White shirt and shorts.

From where you are, how do you get to the highway?  Take a right, then a left, go about a mile, then take another left then BAM!

Would you ever ask a guy out?  No

Most embarrassing moment:  When I came out of a classroom and tried to slide in the hallway showing off with my new boots on and I slid and fell and busted my a$$.  SO emabarrassing.

Who is the hottest female Disney character?   Jasmine from Alladan

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Superman?  Superman

What do you think about Ben Affleck being the next Batman?   Hell yeah

Is your mom on Facebook?  yep

Favorite look on a guy:  smile

What is your favorite kind of gum and why do all girls fall for a-holes?   Spearmint, and because all the a-holes know how to say the right thing.

What’s something you do if you really like a guy?   Flirt with him.

Geekiest thing about you:  I wear reading glasses.

What was the last thing you texted?  Going to Bullfrogs for my Calendar signing

Name a movie everyone hates but you love:  Shrek

How long do you think you could survive in the woods?  Maybe a couple hours.

Use the different forms of to, two and too all in the same sentence:   My two sisters are going to the movies and I am going too.

Girl’s worst fear:  Bugs

Favorite cartoon as a kid?  Power Puff Girls

Have you ever cheated on a test/boyfriend?    Yes/no

People who say “Reesies Piecies” instead of Reese’s Pieces: What’s up with that?  I don’t know , but it’s annoying!!!

If you HAD to get a tattoo on your face, what would it be of?  A very small heart

Favorite movie trilogy?  Jurrassic Park

What is your favorite 80’s song?  Queen – Bicycle
