2014 Women of V-100: Miss October

2014 Women of V-100

Miss October: Rayna

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Get to know Rayna:

Where was your first date with a boy? Gary’s Berries

Favorite Smell: puppies

Which of your boobs do you like better? I like them both

What’s the TV show you’re most embarrassed to admit you love? Miami Monkey

Shower or bath? Shower

What comes first, hoes or bros? Family First

Best rock concert? Cruefest Motely Crue, Godsmack, Theory of A Deadman

First CD you ever bought? Backstreet boys

Have a friend answer this question for you, What’s your greatest asset? My smile

Why are women obsessed with cats? Because they cuddle

Will Wes Scantlin from Puddle of Mudd ever get sober? Lord wiling

Name 1 band member in Top Petty & The Heartbreaks: Tom Petty

What’s your porn star name? (Middle name & street you grew up on) Layne Highland

How many piercing do you have? 8

Best Nintendo game? Mario

Does Nickelback rock or suck? Rock

Finish this rock lyric; “I wanna _____” ROCK!!!!

Define all the base:.1st base kissing, 2nd base caressing and grabbing, 3rd base sex

Favorite emoticon?;)

Who was your first celebrity crush? Johnny Deep

How many pushups can you do – real ones, not those fake “I’m a girl so I can do them on my knees” pushups? 50 or more

Underwear choice: thong

If you could go on 1 talk show, which one would it be? Chelsea Handler

Where is the Mason Dixon line? It divides the north from the south

Have you ever voted for President or American Idol? Yes, president

Breast implants, for or against? natural

Have you ever hooked up with someone way less attractive than you? sadly

What are you wearing right now? A Bob Marley shirt & shorts

I have a theory that girls can’t whistle, can you? Nope

Would you ever ask a guy out? Yes

Who is the hottest female Disney character? Ariel

Who would win in a fight: Batman or Superman? Superman

Favorite actor that played Batman? George Clooney

Hidden talent: Gymnastics

What is your favorite 80’s song? Pour some sugar on me- Def Leppard

What’s something you do if you really like a guy? Rub him

Name a movie everyone hates but you love: Titanic

What was your first ever screenname? Dirty_blonde

Use the different forms of to, two and too all in the same sentence: It is too cold out for me to walk my two dogs.

Girl’s worst fear: spiders

Favorite movie trilogy? Pirates of the Caribbean

Jedi or dark side? Jedi

What’s the most embarrassing song you know all the words to? I believe in a thing called love.
