2014 Women of V-100: Miss November

2014 Women of V-100

Miss November: Savannah

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Get to know Savannah:

Ideal drunk food: Jimmy John’s. Turkey Tom, add salami (but NO capicola,) cucumbers, and extra lettuce…oh, and I have to have a bag of salt & vinegar chips too. 

Which of your boobs do you like better? Honestly, I really like, well…love them both. 

What’s the TV show you’re most embarrassed to admit you love? Duck Dynasty

What’s your favorite noise? Also, try and spell it. Running over the grooves on the shoulder of highways and exits that are there to make you aware that you are not within the driving lines…OR the buzz of a tattoo gun. It’s a tie. Not sure how to even begin spelling either of those. 

What comes first, hoes or bros? Bros, fo sho. My only sibling is an older brother…hanging out with guys has always felt more natural for me. 

Best rock concert? Tom Petty from 8 rows back & center. 

First CD you ever bought? Red Hot Chili Peppers & The Offspring

Have a friend answer this question for you, What’s your greatest asset? “Your ass…well, okay…your smile is pretty awesome too.” Yep, I hang out with mostly guys! Can you tell? Haha. Only nice ones though. 

Why are women obsessed with cats? Because cats…and women are very much alike. I am not obsessed with cats. I can say that with full confidence because I’ve worked with cats for 7 years. I like them, but do not want my own. Ever. Unless I have a house with enough land to have a barn…then I might consider it.

Will Wes Scantlin from Puddle of Mudd ever get sober? Yikes. That’s a sad question!  I hope he does get sober! I know his brother.

Name 1 band member in Top Petty & The Heartbreaks: Top? Oh no, that’s TOM Petty. Lead signer.
Really? This must be a trick question to see which ones of us are “special.” See question, “Best rock concert?” above. 😉

What’s your porn star name? (Middle name & street you grew up on) Oh geez. Dawn Mullen. SEXY!!! Ha. 

Tattoos: lots of ’em

What do you want to be when you grow up? In pursuit…

Does Nickelback rock or suck? They suck. Sorry.

Finish this rock lyric; “ I wanna _____” ROCK!!! Twisted Sister, yep!

Define all the bases. Let’s see…I haven’t thought about this since middle school, but I’ll do my best. 1st base: a normal kiss on the lips (no tongue) — 2nd base: a “French” kiss — 3rd base: making out, gettin’ frisky! — and taking it to home plate…duh?!?! Everyone knows this means you did the dirty. 

Bars or clubs? Neither, but if I had to choose, bars.

One thing you’d change about yourself: life’s too short to think about bologna like this.

Dream job: no job. Kidding! If I could find a way to make money grooming dogs & cats that do not have homes (in order to improve their health & help them find homes) for a shelter, sanctuary, or rescue group…I would do that in a heartbeat.

Do you text “ok” or “k”? Both. Depends on how much of a hurry I’m in. Sometimes I even type, “okay.” 

Current ring tones? Very generic. I’m terrible with technology.

What’s your favorite article of clothing? A pair of gray sweatpants from Hollister…they are definitely over 10 years old & have had lots holes sewn. I still wear them, every chance I can. 

What movie do you quote from the most? Anchorman

Who was your first celebrity crush? Michael Jackson

How many pushups can you do – real ones, not those fake “I’m a girl so I can do them on my knees” pushups? I don’t know actually, and I’m far too lazy to find out right this second. If I do push-ups, they are usually done with music in my aerobics class, so I don’t keep count.

If you were to dance, would you do it like no one was watching? If I was to dance? I do dance! And of course I do it like no one is watching. What fun would it be any other way?

Underwear choice: none. If I HAVE to wear them…I go with booty shorts or low-rise bikini cut.

Are you impressed by my schmedium Affliction t-shirt? NO, NO, and NO. Lame…and a bit repulsive. 

Have you ever voted for President or American Idol? For president, yes. American Idol? No.

What’s the most embarrassing song you know all the words to? Mmmbop, by Hanson. Yep.

What is the closest you’ve ever been to death? Stuck on the side of I-70 in a blizzard.

When is the last time you got hit on? Today. 

What are you wearing right now? yoga pants and a tank top

From where you are, how do you get to the highway? Either over the bridge to North Lawrence and hop on the turnpike or it’s about the same distance from my house to k-10. 

Have you ever been fired from a job? Yes, in which I received unemployment benefits because I was “wrongfully terminated.” HA. 

Would you ever ask a guy out? I’d like to sound super-confident and say yes, but I’m an old soul. Especially when it comes to romance. 

Favorite actor that played Batman? Val Kilmer

What is your favorite 80’s song? Thriller

What is your favorite kind of gum and why do all girls fall for a-holes? Winterfresh & because girls are confusing.

What was the last thing you texted? “Perfect.”

What was your first ever screenname? “Snowy” Snowy is the name of my childhood teddy bear…a polar bear. 🙂

Use the different forms of to, two and too all in the same sentence: Two people went to the park and brought their dogs too! 

People who say “Reesies Piecies” instead of Reese’s Pieces: What’s up with that? Just plain aggravating…just like people who use “to” instead of “too” or “brake” instead of “break.” 

Geekiest thing about you: I’m a nerd in so many ways, but I’ll have to go with my obsession with zombie movies…and Michael Jackson.

Least favorite band: Creed

