25 Billion Songs

iTunes logged it’s 25 billionth download this past week. That’s downloads to equal over 3 per every single person in the world. And it’s also about 15,000 song downloaded per minute around the world. If you consider the fact that each song costs at least $1, or usually more, that’s a whole lot of money that Apple takes in from downloads alone.

So you might wonder, what was the 25 billionth song? Phillip Leupke, a 22 year-old student from Hanover, Germany downloaded “Monkey Drums (Goksel Vancin Remix)” by British DJ Chase Buch. (Yeah, I’ve never heard of it either. I couldn’t even find it on YouTube.) Because he was the 25 billionth download he also won 10,000 Euro’s worth of future downloads. That’s over $13,000 here in the US.

There are even more interesting facts about the download here.
