If I stole a car the last thing I would want to do would be wreck it and leave myself stranded on a highway in a police chase… well that is exactly what one Minnesota man did… MORE

If I stole a car the last thing I would want to do would be wreck it and leave myself stranded on a highway in a police chase… well that is exactly what one Minnesota man did… MORE
Today’s tale takes us to Wisconsin where one teen learned that oversharing on social media can be very public! … MORE
Today’s tale takes us to Florida AGAIN… must be the heat man!… MORE
Today’s tale takes us to Florida where a man was arrest for arson because he drove his motorcycle into a hotel room. … MORE
No matter who you are or what you do, you can’t ‘set a screen’ against the law, as one KU Jayhawk roundballer found out.… MORE
Today’s tale is of a traveling basketball team and their missing in action bus driver!… MORE
Listen to Miss Wendy every Friday around 12:40 PM for a new tale on what not do to land yourself in jail.… MORE