Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fisher, Hamill & Ford Back for New Star Wars?

  George Lucas may have spilled the beans:   In a Bloomberg Business Week story about Disney’s buyout of Lucasfilm, the Star Wars creator reveals that Lucasfilm “had already signed Mark and Carrie and Harrison — or we were pretty much in final stages of negotiation [when the Disney deal came about]. So I called them to say,…MORE

Old Sock

Click on the album cover to listen to Eric Clapton’s new album ‘Old Sock’ before it comes out next week.MORE

David Bowie

Check out David Bowie’s new video for “The Stars (Are Out Tonight)”. This video contains images that MIGHT NOT BE WORK SAFE. So I’ve linked it instead to the picture below. Prepare for a lot of androgyny…MORE

Sharp Dressed Man

New Trailer fro Crysis 3 features ZZ Top. Classic rock makes everything cooler. It's in stores today.MORE

4th Graders Sing Led Zeppelin

Apparently School of Rock is real. Except without Jack Black. When I was in 4th grade I think we sang Disney songs and 'You're A Grand Ol' Flag'. My teacher definitely wasn't this cool. Granted if you listen to too much of this it could get a little annoying it's nice to see that some…MORE

25 Billion Songs

iTunes logged it’s 25 billionth download this past week. That’s downloads to equal over 3 per every single person in the world. And it’s also about 15,000 song downloaded per minute around the world. If you consider the fact that each song costs at least $1, or usually more, that’s a whole lot of money…MORE
